Kindergarten Classes Visit ACHS
By: Nicole Ballagh, FFA President
In early April, the Kindergarten classes at Appomattox Primary School were treated to a quick tour of several programs at Appomattox County High School. The Appomattox Senior FFA chapter coordinated the fun-filled morning. Just after arriving to APS, 170 kindergarten students and their 9 teachers boarded buses and commuted to ACHS. A variety of students and clubs coordinated 10 educational stations for their younger counterparts to enjoy.
The First Responder Club conducted a fire safety workshop and taught students the correct way to “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” FFA members had stations set up about sheep, beef cattle, dairy cattle, agricultural safety, and plants. Kindergarten students got to see a sheep being shorn, learn about safety around lawn and agricultural tractors, and plant their very own bean seed. There were opportunities to milk a pretend cow and pet an angus heifer calf. Students in the foreign language department read the popular book, I Say Ooh You Say Aah. The interactive book opened the door to discussing basic Spanish vocabulary. Members of the Appomattox Fellowship of Christian Athletes club led a workshop on the importance of servant leadership. Kindergartners got to try running a few sports drills. They also learned the importance of being a team player. Katelin Savage and Cynthia Miller from the Robert E. Lee Soil and Water Conservation District conducted a workshop on wildlife. Each student got to examine pelts and learn about food webs. Lastly, students enjoyed a wagon ride around the Appomattox FFA Alumni Land Laboratory to see the other farm animals before returning to APS for the afternoon.