Fourth Grade
Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Fourth grade links and resources can be found by clicking on this text
In the event of an emergency closing, assignments will be made available to continue instruction as a virtual learning day. Parents and Students can access the virtual learning asafdsadsfsignments by visiting the folder on this webpage labeled Weather Closing Assignments, or by clicking here (NOTE: You will need to make a copy of each file in your Google Drive to edit). These assignments will only be used when instructed through the global calling system to use assignments for a virtual learning day. How to download weather closing assignments to Chromebook:
Click on the link for each day below. This will create a copy of the file in your Google Drive.
Move all copied assignments into a designated folder in your Google Drive. AES recommends calling this folder "Weather Closing Assignments."
On your Chromebook, you will now be able to access all copied files by clicking on Launcher, Opening Files, Selecting Google Drive from the left-hand menu, and opening the file needed for work.
Instructions will be shared when students return to school for submitting assignments.